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Senior Secondary Programme is equivalent to XIIth standard. Those who have successfully passed Secondary are eligible to take admission to Sr. Secondary Programme of MBHSE. All applicants need to submit a self attested copy of their Secondary Certificate. There is no restriction on choice of subjects and combinations, except that minimum one language has to be taken. Learners can choose their subjects from the MBHSE List of Subjects as given below:
Those who have successfully passed the Secondary Programme are eligible to apply for the Senior Secondary Programme. There are no specific restrictions on who can apply, but applicants need to submit a self-attested copy of their Secondary Certificate.
Yes, there is a minimum language requirement for the Senior Secondary Programme. Learners must take at least one language from Group A (Language Subjects), and there is no restriction on the choice of subjects and combinations beyond this language requirement.
Learners need to choose their subjects from the BOSSE List of Subjects. They must select at least one language from Group A and can choose the remaining subjects from Group B (Non-Language Subjects). There are no specific subject requirements beyond the minimum language selection.
Yes, several subjects in Group B (Non-Language Subjects) come with both theory and practical components. These subjects include Mathematics, Home Science, Psychology, Geography, Physics, Environmental Science, Chemistry, Biology, Introduction to Law, Computer Science, and Physical Education and Yoga.
Yes, learners have the flexibility to choose additional subjects from either Group A or Group B in the Senior Secondary Programme. There are no specific restrictions on the number of subjects, but learners should refer to the BOSSE norms, and additional subjects may involve extra fees.
1 | 301 | Hindi |
2 | 302 | English |
3 | 303 | Urdu |
4 | 304 | Sanskrit |
5 | 305 | Bengali |
6 | 306 | Odia |
7 | 307 | Punjabi |
8 | 308 | Kannada |
9 | 309 | Malayalam |
10 | 310 | Tamil |
11 | 311 | Telugu |
12 | 312 | Gujarati |
13 | 313 | Marathi |
1 | 401 | Mathematics* |
2 | 402 | Home Science* |
3 | 403 | Psychology* |
4 | 404 | Geography* |
5 | 405 | Economics |
6 | 406 | Business Studies |
7 | 410 | Physics* |
8 | 412 | History |
9 | 413 | Environmental Science* |
10 | 415 | Chemistry* |
11 | 416 | Political Science |
12 | 418 | Biology* |
13 | 419 | Accountancy |
14 | 420 | Introduction to Law |
15 | 421 | Computer Science* |
16 | 422 | Sociology |
17 | 423 | Tourism |
18 | 424 | Physical Education and Yoga* |