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We Have Listed Majority of The Question that we are being asked.
Flexibility in subject choice and examination, engaging and interesting study curriculum in Hindi, English and Regional Languages, Transfer of Credits up to four subjects, high-quality academic and employment-oriented programmes, and education at an affordable fee – all these make BOSSE a model Open Schooling Board in India.
Admission to BOSSE is hassle-free, seamless and secure; interested candidates are required to fill the registration form, along with the requisite Fee, with the required documents to take admission in BOSSE. This can be done either online or at the nearest Admission Centre.
Anyone interested in upscaling his/her qualifications at Secondary/Sr. Secondary level is welcome! BOSSE’s Open and Distance Learning (ODL) System targets a diverse group of learners including school dropouts, failed students in Board examination, rural youth, working men and women and learners from the economically underprivileged sections of the society to obtain academic and skill-oriented Vocational Education.
At the moment, BOSSE offers Secondary and Senior Secondary level programmes in Hindi and English. Other mediums will be added as per demand.
Yes, to make BOSSE courses more meaningful, vocational courses are offered independently or in combination with academic subjects at the Secondary and the Senior Secondary level. In fact, BOSSE encourages students to offer at least one vocational subject.
Candidates can change their subjects after taking admission and appearing in at least one examination. The fee for change of subject is Rs. 500/- per subject for Secondary as well as Senior Secondary programme. They can also take up to two Additional Subjects with the requisite fee.
Pass Criteria:
In order to pass, one has to obtain 33% marks in aggregate of 5 subjects as well as a minimum of 33% marks (separately in theory and practical) in individual subjects. Theory also includes marks in Internal Assessment or CA (Continuous Assessment) with 20% weightage.
Candidates have to pass in five subjects including at least one language. If a candidate has opted for one or 2 Additional Subjects, then one language and the best four out of the remaining subjects will be considered.
BOSSE declares results of Secondary and Senior Secondary programmes and dispatches the certificates within 6 to 8 weeks after the examination ends.
All letters/email pertaining verification of marksheets/migration should be sent to verification@bosse.ac.in or at the address specified under ‘Contact Us.’
Verification request will be entertained from Universities/Colleges/Schools or from those entities where the student has been hired.
No charge will be applicable for verification from local institutions or entities. For verification charges from foreign institutions or entities kindly refer to our prospectus.
All our Recognition and Approvals along with positive RTI replies from different government universities are displayed on the website. Apart from that, in case you wish to enquire about the acceptance of marksheet in a particular institution or organization you may confirm the same from that particular institution.
Yes, you may check the file in our Recognition and Approval section.
No, we don’t provide character certificates, we do provide migration cum transfer certificates.
Kindly check the letter in our Recognition and Approval section.